In our over broked Contractors Insurance market, many brokers are you struggling to win and retain Contractors Insurance. With this ‘me too’ insurance product, it’s often difficult for brokers to differentiate their offering from their competitors.
One company, Incorporated Insurance Group (IIGL), would appear to be keen to develop in this market space and appear to be offering brokers a package of support tools that will help them win and retain business. Mike Smith, CEO of IIGL, outlines their new deal ‘We feel that the market is often disengaged with the needs of the client so building a product offering that helps our brokers win business is an obvious step for IIGL’.
The new deal means that as one of IIGL’s brokers they are able to transfer their existing contractors book in return for Key Broker status which allows them access to the following deal:-
- Higher than average commission
- Exclusive Quotes
- Regional Exclusivity
- Key Broker status
- Marketing assistance
- Wide Policy Wording
- Competitive terms
- Large range of trades
- Additional Broker controlled discounts
- ‘A’ rated insurers
- Same day service
Mike concludes ‘This new deal should make Brokers, who are not already trading with IIGL as a Key Broker, think long and hard about why they are supporting their current market and all the advantages to their business they are missing by not transferring their book of business to IIGL.
So, if you’re not already talking to Mike Smith about moving your existing contractors market for trades such as Roofer and Scaffolders and you’re not getting this level of support from them………then ask yourselves why you’re not doing this deal with IIGL?
Contact Mike Smith on 07739 222974 to discuss transferring your existing book to us and what this incredible deal could do for your business.